Sunday, December 28, 2008

Bring Home The Jobs ...

Let us start off with Walmart ... the mega store that Mom N Pops couldn't compete with. How many did they put out of business. Forget about all of their products are made IOC's (in Other Country's).
Ok guys n gals ... now lets go to Verizon & AOL (their are many others, to many to mention) just for starters, lets bring these outsourced jobs back to the USA where we can understand the person and put our brothers and sisters back to work.
Our country must re-think the money we send abroad to China, Japan, the Philippines and the list goes on.... bring back the manufacturing facilities and factories, I'm willing to pay a little more to keep OUR citizens employed.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

It's going to get worse ...

Reading an article in the NY Post today a man in PA shot another man in the movies because he was talking to his son.... What the hell is our country coming to? The story is a little more involved then that but that's the bottom line.
The best part is of the six people that commented on the story only ONE seemed to feel that the mans actions were wrong. The other five thought that talking in the movies deserves being shot.
I am taking this all out of context ......

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

500 Billion ......

This is the frosting on the cake.... But this leaves one to wonder how this man's two sons did not know what time it was.... please. Pop took the fall. They are ALL responsible for this gross fraud..

Monday, December 15, 2008

UES Delivery men ...

... or should I say boys..... leaving from my dad's building last night, a young man was making a delivery of what appeared to be food. before he was buzzed in, as I was going out he walked in. I told him he had to wait until he was buzzed in... but hell no he said me to "mind your own business" and proceeded to go in the building.
I looked for Id on his bicycle to report him to his boss but there was no name of the restaurant on his bike. THIS IS THE LAW!

Another incident happened when I was run down by one of these delivery peoples actually ran me down .... ran off on his bike and again he didn't have any ID.

When will this problem be fixed..... or should I say enforced